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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Self Help Post #7

Thanks to Deszi Esasc for the following advice.

A question to ask yourself when you get angry is: From what point of view am I looking at this from? I'll give a personal anecdote from when I was starting on this path. Someone (call her Jane Doe) was an ex-smoker who lived with me. Deszi and I made brownies and Jane Doe loves brownies. We divied them up equally into several containers. Jane Doe finished her container and ate one of mine before she and I made another batch. I was upset because she was taking my brownies and I wasn't getting as many. Deszi told me to look at it not from a view of scarcity, but from the view of yes, I have more than enough brownies and will share them with you. Jane Doe was struggling with quitting smoking and Deszi told me that she needed the brownies to replace cigarettes. I learned to have empathy and looked at a situation a different way. I realized that you don't necessarily have to keep everything of yours and hoard it. Just let go.

I will be cutting back on posts starting next week. I may only post one or two a week. Also, Deszi may post some.

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