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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Self Help Post #5

Today you all get to learn how to deal with anger. Anger is a major part of our life, and if we do not learn how to deal with it peacefully, it can not only cause us stress, but also cause stress to others. I like the pot of water analogy.

Okay, so you have a pot of water on the stove. When you heat the stove (bad things happen) the water begins to boil (you get mad). You now have two choices: Let it sit or put it in the freezer.

Let it sit

This means that you give it some time. Go off and sit on the couch, bed, or whatever, and relax. Knit. Play with LEGOs. Read. Write. Draw. Whatever helps. Then, when you're fully relaxed, go back and ignore what just made you mad. Gradually deal with it.

Put it in the freezer

Get really, steaming mad. Yell until you feel like you're going to asphyxiate. Make anyone within a twenty foot radius feel like they are a piece of crap and not worth anything. Go into your room and cry. Come out and ignore everyone else.

Needless to say, I definitely feel that option #1 is the best. But the choice is yours.

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